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Currently, the Ladder Finance testnet only supports MetaMask. Users should install and use MetaMask through the official MetaMask website
Earn ETH
The currency used in Ladder Finance is zkSync ETH. To acquire zkSync ETH, there are two ways to acquire zkSync ETH: swap from Sepolia ETH and acquire it all at once.
Sepolia ETH
Sepolia ETH can be obtained through Fauce, and it can also be obtained on other sites, so please be careful of impersonation and hacking when proceeding. To get Sepolia ETH, you need to have 0.001 ETH in your wallet, and you can get it by entering your wallet address in the wallet address field on the page above. Your wallet will be automatically added to the MetaMask Sepolia network, so you don't need to add the network to your wallet.
zkSync ETH
zkSync ETH can be acquired through Sepolia ETH bridge. There are many sites where Bridge is available, so please be careful before proceeding. Before connecting to Bridge, please check the wallet that holds Sepolia ETH in your MetaMask. After connecting the wallet to Bridge, you can enter the number of zkSync ETH to be swapped out of the number of Sepolia ETH in the wallet and proceed with the swap.
You can also earn zkSync ETH through Triangle and Quicknode at once. However, if you have difficulty acquiring zkSync ETH through these methods, please proceed with the swap method.
If MetaMask does not automatically add a network, the user must manually add the network. After accessing MetaMask on a web browser, click the network selection box in the upper left corner and click the 'Add Network' button to proceed with 'Add Network'.
zkSync Sepolia Testnet
Network name : zkSync Sepolia Testnet
URL : https://testnet.era.zksync.dev
Chain ID : 300
Currency Symbol : ETH